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*ORMTA Members, please note that there is a Members FAQ in the Members Only menu that contains information on making membership changes, editing your profile, or editing web pages. You must be logged in to the website to view this menu. For instructions on how to log in, please view the video tutorial to the right:

Finding A Teacher & General FAQ

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What should I consider when looking for a music teacher?
What should I consider when looking for a music teacher?
  • Musical education - has the teacher successfully completed certification in their area of musical expertise?
  • Level of experience - Have they taught students at your level?
  • Personality - Do you (and/or your child) get along with the teacher?
  • Studio atmosphere - Is the teacher’s studio neat and inviting? Free of distractions?
  • Type of program offered - Does the teacher provide instruction in the style of music you’re interested in? Do they offer preparation for exams, festivals, and recitals? What is their expectation for practicing?

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Can my child attend lessons during school hours?
Can my child attend lessons during school hours?

As stated in the Ontario Education Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Part II - School attendance, Section 21, 2(e):


“A Person is excused from attendance at school if the person is absent from the school for the purpose of receiving instruction in music and the period of absence does not exceed one-half day in any week.”


Parents wishing this privilege for their children are advised to discuss this matter with their children’s school teachers and principal. The ORMTA is proud to have been a driving force behind obtaining this privilege.

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Can you receive high school credits for music exams?
Can you receive high school credits for music exams?
Yes! In Ontario, completing certain levels of practical and theory music exams can earn students Grade 11 and Grade 12 high school music credits. Please view this document for more information. Page 78, Section 7.3.4 "Programs in Music Taken outside the School" provides general info and more comprehensive information can be found on page 107, Appendix 4, "Music Certificates Accepted for Credit".

Becoming A Member


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Who can join ORMTA?
Who can join ORMTA?

Music teachers or those who support music education, such as:


  • Private music teachers who have a degree or diploma in music and teaching experience
  • College and University professors of music
  • School music teachers
  • Specialists in early childhood music education
  • Student teachers who have attained at least a grade 9 or 10 level and are continuing their education
  • Someone who is not a music teacher but wants to support music education may apply as an Auxiliary member

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I have submitted my application form, fee and credentials, what's next?
I have submitted my application form, fee and credentials, what's next?
ORMTA's Provincial Secretary-Registrar processes your application. If your credentials are pretty well in line with the criteria here, it will take approximately 2-4 weeks to establish your ORMTA membership. If the application contains credentials that are unique and beyond the scope of ORMTA's guidelines, the Secretary-Registrar will then hand off the application to the Board of Examiners - a panel of 3 Active ORMTA members who will provide a recommendation to the Secretary-Registrar and Provincial Council.

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I have submitted my application but I need more time to compile my much time do I have?
I have submitted my application but I need more time to compile my much time do I have?
You have 6 months from the time you have submitted your application. If the application form and documentation supporting your credentials are not received by then, your application will be deleted from ORMTA's database.

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I am a music teacher who wants to become a member but I don't fit within any of these criteria...are there other options?
I am a music teacher who wants to become a member but I don't fit within any of these criteria...are there other options?

Yes, there are 3 alternative ORMTA membership application designations:

  1. Distinguished Artist in the Field of Performance: The applicant must, in the opinion of the Board of Examiners, have an established reputation as a concert artist

  2. Distinguished Artist in the Field of Teaching: The applicant must be a University Professor or lecturer or someone with equivalent level of teaching music

  3. Experienced Teacher: The applicant must meet 2 of the 3 following criteria:

    • Documented successful music teaching experience of at least ten years, which is satisfactory to the Board of Examiners

    • The support of at least 25 members or 75% of the membership (whichever is lower) of the local Branch to which the applicant would be joining

    • The successful completion of pedagogy courses that would be equivalent to the Pedagogy Written Examinations for the Associateship of one of the recognized conservatories

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I am an applicant with a Bachelor or Music Education degree. During my studies I had the opportunity to take classes on how to teach a variety of instruments. Can I include all these instruments in my ORMTA application?
I am an applicant with a Bachelor or Music Education degree. During my studies I had the opportunity to take classes on how to teach a variety of instruments. Can I include all these instruments in my ORMTA application?
No, members of ORMTA may only register their principal instrument(s) (the instrument on which you received advanced private instruction throughout your degree program). To recognize your ability to teach other instruments in a school setting, please apply under the "School Music" subject.

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How much is ORMTA's annual membership fee?
How much is ORMTA's annual membership fee?
Fees will vary depending on your membership level, the number of local branches you are a member of and the amount of your local branch's levy (if applicable). In general though, members usually pay approximately $150-$200 per year.

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I attained my educational credentials outside of Canada. Will they be accepted?
I attained my educational credentials outside of Canada. Will they be accepted?
Educational credentials obtained outside of Canada must first be assessed by the Comparative Education Service - University of Toronto. You must obtain a customized letter of assessment from the CES giving an accurate comparison of your international educational credential to its Canadian equivalent. This letter must be included with your supporting documentation.

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What if there's no ORMTA Branch close to where I live and teach?
What if there's no ORMTA Branch close to where I live and teach?
Members of ORMTA must belong to a branch. Ask the Provincial Secretary Registrar for advice if you are unable to make a decision.

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I was an ORMTA member in the past and would like to re-establish my membership.
I was an ORMTA member in the past and would like to re-establish my membership.
Before beginning the regular application process, please contact the Provincial Secretary Registrar.

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I am an RCM Certified Teacher, am I automatically granted Active Membership in ORMTA?
I am an RCM Certified Teacher, am I automatically granted Active Membership in ORMTA?
The requirements for ORMTA membership and RCM Certification are not congruent.

The Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association is a registered charity | Charity Registration Number 104001771RR0001